If you’ve ever eaten Ghanaian food, you’ve probably tasted shito. This dark, spicy, and delicious black pepper sauce is found…

The Uses & Amazing Benefits of Rosemary
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) the only herb in Aftrad Village Kitchen’s 10 Spice Blend is such a delightful herb that enhances…

Black-eyed Beans is a Nutritional Powerhouse
Black-eyed beans flour, often overlooked in the realm of superfoods, is a nutritional powerhouse waiting to be discovered. Made from…

Amazing Benefits of Palm Kernel Oil
Aftrad Village Kitchen’s Palm Kernel Cooking Oil is produced by a reputable and leading supplier of coconut oil in Ghana.…

Uses and Health benefits of Coconut Oil
Aftrad Village Kitchen’s Virgin Coconut Oil is produced by a reputable and leading supplier of coconut oil in Ghana. The…

Knowledge Bank – Star Anise
**KNOWLEDGE BANK** Star anise, a fruit from an evergreen tree native to southern China has a sweet and licorice-like flavor…

Knowledge Bank – Efom Wisa (GRAINS OF PARADISE)
**KNOWLEDGE BANK** Efom wisa also known as grains of paradise/alligator pepper/guinea pepper is from the ginger family, Zingiberaceae. It has…

Knowledge Bank – Esoro Wisa (ASHANTI PEPPER)
**KNOWLEDGE BANK** Esoro Wisa also known as Piper guineense, Guinea cubeb, Ashanti pepper, Guinea pepper, kukauabe, or Benin pepper is…

Knowledge Bank – Hwentia (GRAINS OF SELIM)
**KNOWLEDGE BANK** #Hwentia/ #ahentia /#Etso /#Uda (Nigerian) /#Negropepper /#Grainsofselim /#Guineapepper #Senegalpepper/#Ethiopianpepper/#Moorpepper /#Africanpepper – and the list goes on. Wow this…