Ghana Sugar Bread CategoriesUncategorized

Ghana Sugar Bread

I remember my days as a little girl running the morning errand of finding the freshest and loveliest bread for…

Ofam (Spicy Plantain Cake) CategoriesUncategorized

Ofam (Spicy Plantain Cake)

Ofam is basically a spicy ripe plantain cake. It’s a great way of using over ripe plantains which would soak…

Nkati Cake (Peanut Brittle) CategoriesUncategorized

Nkati Cake (Peanut Brittle)

I so love these Ghanaian sweets, they always remind me of my childhood days particularly after church service on Sundays.…

Kube cake CategoriesUncategorized

Kube cake

This sweet brings back nostalgia from my young days when we used to attend Martyrs of Uganda Church in Ghana.…

Authentic Ghana Waakye Stew CategoriesUncategorized

Authentic Ghana Waakye Stew

Waakye Stew as the name goes is basically a popular stew served with waakye. A good waakye must have a…

Akoko Nkate Nkwan (Chicken Groundnut Soup) CategoriesUncategorized

Akoko Nkate Nkwan (Chicken Groundnut Soup)

If you have been visiting my blog here or a follower on Instagram, you will know by now that Ghanaians…


Garlic Roasted Salmon

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat…


Did You Know?

We’re almost sure you never knew that eggplants are considered to be berries. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing…


Smile and Say Cheese

How would our world live but for that accident 4000 years ago? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit,…