This sardine shito & tuna shito sandwich bread is just so delicious. If you love Ghana bread, shito, sardines or tuna, I am sure you will fall in love with this recipe. Try it and send us your feedback.

Sardine Shito & Tuna Shito Sandwich Bread
- 1300 g Bread Flour + extra for kneading
- 300 g Sugar
- 300 g Greek Yoghurt
- 200 g Butter melted
- 1 tbsp Salt
- 20 g Dry Active Yeast
- 1 1/2 tbsp Nutmeg
- 400 ml Luke Warm water
- 1 Egg
- 1 Milk
- 2 tbsp Melted Butter (for brushing)
- 2 Cans (290g) Tuna in Oil
- 2 Tins of Sardine (250g)
- 1 Large Onion diced
- 4 tbsp Aftrad Village Kitchen Shito (MILD)
- Put the yeast and 2 tsp of sugar in a bowl, add 50ml (of the 400ml) lukewarm water and whisk. Set it aside to froth. This may take up to 15 minutes.
- Sift the flour & nutmeg into a bowl. Then add the salt & sugar. Mix well until well incorporated.
- In a separate bowl, add the melted butter followed by the yoghurt which is at room temperature. Mix until well incorporated.
- Now add the flour mix, a bit at a time but no need to fully incorporate. Make a well in the dough mix, add frothed yeast and mix. Again no need to fully incorporate. Add in the rest of the water and mix to combine all the ingredients.
- Once combined into a dough. Coverwith a tea towel and let it rest for 20 minutes.
- Now knead the dough on a lightlyfloured surface until the dough is very elastic. Now this is a sticky dough, soa bit of flour to stop the dough from sticking to your hands. Knead the doughfor about 30-40minutes until it is stretchy.
- Once stretchy /elastic, it’s ready to prove. To test the elasticity, either use a sharp knife to cut through the dough, the slit should look smooth with air pockets. Alternatively stretch the dough like a cloth, it should be able to stretch like an elastic sheet without breaking.
- Grease a bowl with butter. Roll the dough into a ball and place in the greased bowl. Rub the dough with the butter and turn the dough up, so the buttered face is up.
- Cover the bowl with cling film and place in a warm place for the dough to rise. You can create a warm environment by warming up the oven to 100oC. When the set temperature is reached, switch it off and leave the oven light on.
- Now to make the sandwich filling, drain the oil from the sardine and tuna. Put them in separate bowls.
- Sautee the diced onions using thetuna or sardine oil. Sautee until onions are a bit soft. Strain off excess oil.
- Divide the onions into two. Add one half to the tuna bowl and the other to the sardine bowl.
- Add in enough shito to the sardine + onion and tuna + onion and mix well. Set aside.
- Grease 6 loaf pans with butter.
- Once the dough has doubled in size, re-knead, knocking some of the air out but not all. Divide the dough into portions for buns. Slightly shape them into a ball and let the dough rest for about 10 minutes.
- Now on a lightly floured surface, roll out each portion into a circle. Place about a tablespoon of the tuna or sardine filling in the centre, bring the edges of the dough together to seal the filling in the dough. Pinch the edges together and roll it on the floured surface to seal it.
- Place the dough in the buttered tins. To differentiate between the sardine and tuna sandwiches, use a sharp blade or knife to create incisions/marks on the dough.
- Cover with a warm damp cloth and place in a warm place for the second proofing. This takes about an hour. Once the dough has doubled in size it’s time to bake.
- Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
- Whisk the egg with the milk and brush this on the dough.
- Bake the dough for 30 minutes or until it starts to brown and then place a bowl of boiling water on the bottom shelf. This will create steam in the oven to help create a lovely crust on the bread.
- Once the light brown colour has been achieved, knock the bread to check if it is hollow. If it is, take it out of the oven and brush it with melted butter.
- Take the bread out of the tins and allow to cool on a tea towel. Serve either nice and warm or cooled.