Kube cake CategoriesRecipes

Kube cake

This sweet brings back nostalgia from my young days when we used to attend Martyrs of Uganda Church in Ghana.…

Authentic Ghana Waakye Stew CategoriesRecipes

Authentic Ghana Waakye Stew

Waakye Stew as the name goes is basically a popular stew served with waakye. A good waakye must have a…


Akoko Nkate Nkwan (Chicken Groundnut Soup)

If you have been visiting my blog here or a follower on Instagram, you will know by now that Ghanaians…

Akoko Nkate Nkwan (Chicken Groundnut Soup) CategoriesRecipes

Akoko Nkate Nkwan (Chicken Groundnut Soup)

If you have been visiting my blog here or a follower on Instagram, you will know by now that Ghanaians…

Veggie Noodle Stir Fry with Sausages CategoriesRecipes

Veggie Noodle Stir Fry with Sausages Copy

Believe it or not, I struggle with ideas for meals to cook for my family on most days. Especially food…

Garlic & Coriander Knots CategoriesRecipes

Garlic & Coriander Knots


Mildly Spicy & Sweet Coated Peanuts CategoriesRecipes

Mildly Spicy & Sweet Coated Peanuts

Coated peanuts are popular titbits usually served with others such as chinchin or Ghana chips at parties. They’re very addictive…

Ginger, Garlic & Onion Paste (Ghana Trio + One) CategoriesRecipes

Kitchen Hacks – Ginger, Garlic & Onion Paste (Ghana Trio + One)

Do you dread the time you spend prepping the base for your sauces before you start to cook, especially after…