Separately sieve the flour to ensure that it is nice, smooth, and free of lumps.
Mix 1 Cup of Maize flour with 1L of cold water. Cook into a thin porridge. Add boiling water to achieve a thin light porridge as it thickens up.
Now add 1 Cup of Maize flour and vigorously stir to make a smooth dough.
Once nice a smooth, add 1/2 Cup Cassava flour and mix quickly to incorporate.
Alternate with maize and cassava flour as in steps 3 and 4 until you achieve you require a quantity of Tuo.
Add in enough boiling water to soften the tuo. This amount of water depends on the quantity of Tuo and your desired texture. But a very soft Tuo is recommended.
Also add in a bit of boiling water, cover the pot, and allow the Tuo to steam until well cooked.